LiFE Groups
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. (1 John 1:7 NIV)
There are several LiFE Group meetings at Ivy Church, each with their own structure, though the purpose is the same - to explore Living in Fellowship Everyday.
LiFE groups stands for Living In Fellowship Everyday. Everyone who wishes to is encouraged to be a part of a small group. They meet at various times on different days. Each group has a different flavour but tends to contain the same basic ingredients - in differing proportions… Welcome – an opportunity to chat about our day, or really anything at all, sometimes sharing food, always touching base with one another. Also, sharing the joys and challenges of life and praying with each other. Worship - acknowledging the presence of God amongst us - in our prayers and discussions. Word - Reading something from the bible and looking to see what it might say to us that is relevant to our lives today. |
Living in Fellowship Everyday Witness - thinking about our service in our community and how we can share God’s love and the message of the gospel with others.
If you are interested in joining a LiFE Group, please make contact by telephone, email or through the Contact Us page. We would love to hear from you. |